Monday, September 29, 2008

TV Is Back: The Office & Chuck

Two of NBC's big shows returned this week, with mixed but mostly positive results. SPOILERS ENSUE

In the past couple years NBC has established it in the eyes of many as the most quality-laden of the big networks, though others can make the claim. "The Office," really the vanguard of NBC's current lineup, isn't television's funniest show. That honor probably goes to "30 Rock," though "South Park" and any number of AdultSwim shows have their good days. However, "The Office" is probably the best comedy on TV, and that's because it doesn't just give us jokes, it gives us a huge cast of great characters, almost all of which we care about.

"The Office" returned with a one-hour premiere called "Weight Loss", which took the novel tack of stretching an episode's story out over eight weeks of summer (defined by a weight loss competition between branches that gets, of course, a little crazy). This was probably the best managed of the one-hour "Office" eps we've seen so far, with every member of the large cast being given something significant to do.

Of course we all are huge fans of the Jim/Pam relationship, which had one of its greatest moments in this episode as Jim asked Pam to marry him. This was pulled off pretty much perfectly, in what might be the best straight romantic moment I've ever seen in a TV comedy. Does anyone seriously want to make the argument that a Ross and Rachel moment was more satisfying than this?

But the show is so diverse, there's plenty more to talk about. Michael and the new HR woman (Amy Ryan, wonderfully willing to make a fool of herself) inching toward what may be a relationship... in an episode where Michael often manages to succeed despite himself, but the one time he thinks he's succeeded he's actually probably failed. Angela and "a fiancee I very much like"... and Dwight's beeper. Kelly and Ryan... and Michael's retention of his weird need to impress Ryan. "That wasn't a tapeworm." "A 1000-year old church within the continental Unites States?" "We were fighting the power and eating whatever we wanted." "wika wika wika woo wika woo" The pay-off of the "Kevin is mentally challenged" bit. Pam trapped in a computer. And so much more. WATCH IT!

"Chuck" was one of those shows most affected by the writers' strike. It did pretty well at its debut, but has been off the air for what, ten months or so? I gave it a glowing review when it first came on the air, but how will that hold up?

Well, it helps to keep in mind that this is one of those shows that isn't anything more than what it is. It's a geeky guy trying to be a spy with the help of a hot chick and, well, Adam Baldwin. It's not on a level that much higher than David Hasselhoff with a cool car, or a green guy with stretchy pants. However, it's very well done, and achieves a high level of charm without seeming to try (which would make it cloying). Zachary Levi's Chuck Bartowski is a highly relatable wish-fufillment fantasy of a dweeby guy who gets the beautiful, butt-kicking girl and, under-pressure, discovers he's secretly competent. On top of this the show is genuinely funny, and that usually ends up being enough.

The premiere was titled "Chuck Versus the First Date" (all the episode titles are "Chuck Versus..." something), and mostly revolved around the NSA's (or is it the CIA... or does it matter) attempts to build a new "Intersect" which would would replace Chuck, either resulting in his "freedom" or Adam Baldwin having to kill him, or both. Michael Clarke Duncan plays the obligatory scary mercenary of the episode, who gets lines like "Do you find me imposing? I was going for imposing." As all this comes to a head, the new Intersect blows up and some ancillary characters die and the status quo is saved. Yay.

Perhaps the single most memorable moment of a strong but probably forgettable episode? "WELCOME TO THUNDERDOME!"

Coming this week? "Pushing Daisies" and "30 Rock".

1 comment:

Rob Kidman said...

The US "Office" has surpassed the awesome that was the UK original. Not often you hear of a remake topping an original. I’ll admit that way back when it started, I was hesitant to watch, fearing that they couldn’t compete with “The Slough Branch”, but I’m so happy I did.

That said – and about to sound contradictory – I’m not even going to give the US "Kath & Kim" a chance. Something’s just shouldn’t be remade. And yes I know I thought that about the UK “Office” once, but “Kath and Kim” is a different kettle of fish.

Granted, Australian humour is very much, if not identical to British humour; and “The Office” transitioned well to the US; I just honestly believe that “Kath and Kim” should be left alone, as is, intact in all it’s wonderful Down Under splendour.

I’ve seen some idents for “K&K:US”, and there’s just that special something lacking.

Hey, who knows, maybe it'll really take off; and I'm biased, so what do I know? :)

As for “Chuck”, Sarah’s Wienerlicious uniform will go down for me as one of the best outfits on TV of all time.