Friday, September 26, 2008

Viet Cong is One Thing, Letterman Is Another

An unexpected consequence of John McCain's campaign suspension (is it back on now? Sorta kinda? Was it ever really off?) was this video hitting number one on You Tube:

It won't embed right... here's the link:

McCain cancelled his scheduled Wednesday night appearance on David Letterman's talk show. The two have in the past been good friends, and McCain for all intents and purposes announced his candidacy several months ago on Letterman's show. Letterman was at first, he says, understanding, but then became angrier when it was discovered that rather than "rushing to the airport," McCain was just down the street in New York doing an interview with Katie Couric... on Letterman's own network. Eventually Keith Olbermann showed up as a replacement, and more hilarity ensued.

What's most interesting about this to me is that the video that hit number one isn't the official version CBS released, which is under a minute and a half. It's the version I link to above, which is nearly ten minutes. That's right, the people on YouTube apparently have better attention spans than the mainstream networks give them credit for. Huh.

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